Love, Death & Robots Wiki

Ice (🖕🏻🧊🚬) is the second episode of the second volume, and the overall twentieth episode of LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS.

3 Symbols:

  1. Hand Giving Middle Finger
  2. Ice Cube
  3. Tobacco Pipe

Episode Synopsis[]

In the future, humans are modded with enhancements to increase strength and endurance. The conflict between the modded and unmodded drives a rift between two brothers, who are new to a desolate ice planet, where they partake in a dangerous race with a local crew.


Sedgewick is a 16-year-old boy on a planet full of individuals who have been "Modded" to give them super-human strength, speed, and versatility to the elements. He struggles with intense feelings of isolation and bitterness because he is not modded. He delivers lines with a surprising amount of ominous heft. One night, he overhears his mother asks Sedge’s little brother, Fletcher, to look after him because he isn’t adjusting well. It is this conversation that leaves Sedge with a new edge and fight; he is aching to prove himself.

Later that night, Sedge forces his brother to let him accompany him as he sneaks out to see some friends. The two brothers venture off into their new frosty town. Fletcher introduces his brother to his modded friends and they play a game of ball together, leaping high into the sky with incredible agility to score. But the main event of the night is still yet to come. Sedgewick follows Fletcher and his friends outside of town, where he is informed that they will be racing, not against each other but against the "Frost-whales", the arctic beasts that live under the ice and come to the surface for air. One of Fletchers friends inform Sedge that the frost-whales typically hit the ice seven times and break through on the seventh. The group has to sprint ahead of the whales to stay alive. As they gear up, they all take a hit from small glowing pipes that get them in the headspace and erase any fear they may have. Sedgewick, being a virgin when it comes to this substance, is immediately high, hallucinating that he is alone on the cold quiet ice range. It takes Fletcher almost too long to snap his brother out of it, dragging him along the ice as the whales come closer and closer.

They race across the frozen sea while the Frost-whales hit against the ice, sending cracks and chasms underneath their feet. The brothers are struggling to stay ahead, and on the fourth or fifth hit from the whales, Fletcher's leg is caught between the ice and his ankle is apparently injured. Sedgewick sprints up behind him, grabbing his brother by picking him up with an army roll that throws Fletcher on his back. Sedgewick continues to run until the final hit, when they are sent flying into the air as the ice bursts into the sky above. The brothers slide down the ice and land next to the friends, their mouths gaping open in awe as they are treated to a spectacular sight. Frost-whales bursting through the ice, into the air, and back again into the frigid water, repeating the beautiful and dangerous cycle. Sedgewick now understands how Fletcher feels about their new planet. He has only seen the bad since they moved there, and been blind to its beauty.

While helping Fletcher walk back to town, Sedgewick has his hat playfully stolen by one of Logan’s crew, which prompts Fletcher to immediately take off after her to get his brother’s hat back, despite his injury. When the hat is thrown into the air, Fletcher gracefully catches it and lands perfectly on his ankle. Sedgewick immediately realizes that either his brother was never hurt in the first place, or he feigned the seriousness of the injury so Sedgewick could look heroic. Sedgewick looks stung and angry for an instant, but he takes a deep breath and follows his brother and new friends, realizing that he is no longer an outcast.




Below are screenshots of the episode.
